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e are a creative company. We listen to your problems and analyse your needs. As a sparring partner, we will design that unique solution specially for you. We love our work and are eager to inspire you. We like to go that extra mile and give you that leading edge.

o connect is key these days. The connection between people, hardware versus software but also the connection  between companies and their branches and/or consumers. Understanding these processes is important and key to success. MarineObjects believes in total solutions. Connectivity between the different entities is therefore not underestimated.

We like to connect with you and believe in a long term relationship. Software solutions that run longer than 15 years are more rule than exception for us. We think that the continuity of our and your business is very important.

Physical objects
t the present time, physical computing is becoming more and more important. Sensoring and interacting with the environment and the real world around us. Understanding the behavior of a boat and/or performance of the crew, can be done more efficient when data is collected. 
There are a lot of new developments in sensor technology. Sensors have become more advanced and affordable. This creates new
MarineObjects can help you in this process. We know the possibilities and limitations of telemetry. We can act as a partner for the hardware and the software as well.

ntegration is key ! We are not only a company that make things, but also a company that make things work. The combination of hardware, software and project management is our world. In those situations that data has to be stored, all databases will be internet transparent. The location of the user and/or data is therefore less important. All systems will work as soon as an internet connection is available. Service, backup and replication can be central initialised. We will not walk away once a project is completed. Services and maintenance are important to us. We see these as an integrated part of your solution.

e provide our products and services to multinational companies as well to end-users. We are at home in the local Dutch market and also in the international marketplace.

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